Click Here To Learn More About Our Recovery Homes
Who We Are & What We Do
Hope for Tomorrow, Inc. is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit social services agency that operates three (3) highly-structured, clinically-guided, substance-free homes for men, in Kane County, Illinois, for thirty-seven (30) adults suffering from the disease of mental health (post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, and major depressive disorders) and/or chronic substance use disorders (alcohol, opiates, cocaine, prescription pain medications…). Our mission is to professionally, ethically, and compassionately provide evidenced-based clinical and residential services that empower our clientele to transform their lives and permanently reintegrate into society as accountable, responsible, substance-free citizens in the community. Our vision is to provide a safe, secure, and nurturing environment where people can overcome the obstacles that prevent them from achieving their life's purpose, while finding their waybacke to a loving relationship with God of their understanding. We are committed to operate with integrity; uphold resident rights; promote health; recovery; and safety, inspire purpose; be good neighbors, and cultivate community. Hope for Tomorrow does not discriminate and provides services to all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, gender identity, gender orientation, HIV/AIDS status, or financial ability to pay. We offer a tangible, replicable, and solution-focused approach to an intensifying psychosocial problem. Hope for Tomorrow is the only agency of its kind in the City of Aurora, as well as Kane, Kendall, DeKalb, DuPage, Will, Grundy, Lake, McHenry, and Winnebago Counties to offer uniquely licensed Recovery Home services to the intensifying epidemic of substance abuse and mental health disorders. Hope for Tomorrow's program goals are to reduce homelessness and substance abuse, prevent relapse, identify and treat mental illness, and aid reintegration into society. Our treatment approach encompasses not only the symptoms of the disease (active addiction) but, more importantly, it addresses root causes such as trauma, shame, abandonment, loneliness, emptiness and sexual abuse. Hope for Tomorrow’s belief is that in order to fully recover from a hopeless state of mind and soul individuals must “Build their lives around recovery instead of building recovery around their lives”®.

Our goals are to holistically address the following community needs, all of which are identified as “top ranking priorities” in the City of Aurora, Fox Valley United Way, & Kane County’s Consolidated Plans:
A) |
Reduce the use of mood-altering substances in the Kane County and the surrounding communities. |
B) |
Reduce dependence upon state and local welfare programs. |
C) |
Reduce homelessness in the Kane County communities. |
D) |
Reduce crime, incarceration rates, gang involvement, sexual assaults, and substance-seeking criminal behavior. |
E) |
Reduce domestic violence, child abuse/neglect, and dissolution of marriage. |
F) |
Reduce incidences of suicide and homicide in the Kane County communities. |
G) |
Reduce occurrences of mental health disturbances (e.g., major depressive disorder, bi-polar disorder, anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder) in men, women, and U.S. veterans. |
H) |
Increase employment among vulnerable populations. |
I) |
Increase reunification of families and returning healthy/substance-free parents to their children. |
J) |
Increase tax revenues by transforming addicted individuals (which drain the state, local, and governmental budgets) into productive, employed, responsible, law-abiding citizens in the community. |
Hope for Tomorrow provides the following residential and clinical services:
1) |
Four Residential Homes for 37 Adult Men & United States Veterans |
2) |
Level I & Level II (IOP) Substance Abuse & Mental Health Treatment to Adolescents & Adults |
3) |
Early Intervention & Crisis Intervention |
4) |
Remedial Education/Community Prevention Education |
5) |
Certified Compulsive & Pathological Gambling Treatment |
6) |
Psychosocial Relapse Prevention Classes |
7) |
Cognitive-Behavioral Modification Therapy |